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What is Life Coaching?

Coaching is a collaborative process between coach and client. During a coaching session we will work together to help you to reach your ultimate goal and aspirations. Your coach will listen to you, ask questions, find out what your challenges are and inspire you to reach your end goal. Your coach will assist in bridging the gap from where you are NOW to where you want to be in the FUTURE.


​Your role as the Coachee - You set the agenda, you decide what it is that you want to work on or achieve. Coaching is a client led process, this means you are responsible for evaluating your priorities, setting direction, creating goals and completing your action plans. As your coach, I do not tell you what you need to do.

My role as the Coach - I am your mirror, here to facilitate your journey by listening, asking questions that will encourage deeper reflection, challenging limiting thinking, shifting perceptions, and creative problem-solving - all to keep you moving forward.


​As a coach, I do not advise, rather I encourage your resourcefulness, and empower you to create a strategy and solutions. As a coach, I appreciate that at times you may feel stuck and not know what your strategy or solutions should be. This is where your coach comes in, by asking specific questions designed to reconnect you to  your own capabilities. 

​You will be encouraged to make decisions and take responsibility for actions that you set.


Is Life Coaching right for me?

As a coach I am always collaborative, non-directive, and offer no advice or direction. Coaching is not counselling, therapy, or mentoring. I does not delve into the ‘why’.  Coaching acknowledges that you may not be in a great space, but the process is about moving you out of that space, to where you want to be in the future, not exploring the whys and wherefores of your present situation. If you begin a series of coaching sessions and realise coaching is not the correct support mechanism for you at this moment in time,  we can discuss this and potentially find a suitable solution to support your onward journey 


I'm feeling a bit stuck and I don't have a goal to work towards, does that matter?

That's ok! I have tools that can help you evaluate different aspects of your life, whether personal or professional, and can help you identify what you feel that you need to work on, develop and get you moving forwards.


What's the difference between life coaching, Trauma Coaching and business coaching?

Personal Performance Coaching (PPC), or life coaching, is specifically centred around you, and what it is that you want to focus on personally. PPC or Life Coaching are different terms for the same process. It is coaching that is personal to you, your personal growth and what you want to achieve in your life.

Trauma Recovery Coaching in essence is similar to Life Coaching as it is specially focused on you. When ​coaching with trauma, we won't be delving into the details of trauma itself, we look at the after effects that maybe impacting where you are right now and guide you on a path to healing for you to live the life you want to lead.

Business coaching, however, is specifically working with small businesses and helping professionals achieve their goals.


​Where will the coaching sessions be held?

All coaching sessions will be held via an online video platform such as Zoom or Google Meets, at a mutually agree a time. The session will last for 50 minutes unless you have booked a single session that lasts 90 minutes.  A link will be sent to you prior to the session, all you need to do is just join at the scheduled time.


Discovery call

This is completely free of charge. The call will last up to 30 minutes and we will work together to discover what it is that you are looking to work towards. After the call, you are encouraged to consider your options, as you are under absolutely no obligation to sign up to coaching just because we have a discovery call.


What are your fees or how much will it cost?

See the fee section on the relevant page and it will give you an outline of costs and packages. If you wish to pay in instalments, please feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss further or mentions your preferred payment method in the discovery consultation


How many block sessions will I need?

This will naturally depend on your coaching needs. As your coach, I will be more than happy to discuss this with you, setting out timescales and goals.  


What's the difference between a Coach, Mentor and Consultant?

As a coach we frequently get asked the difference between a coach, a mentor and a consultant, what each service provides and how they can help you.  The visual below will assist in distinguishing between the three services:

Coach, Mentor & Consultant

I have a question that has not been answered here

No worries, please feel free to email me at to get in touch and I'll do my best to answer that for you.


Thanks for signing up

Personal Performance Accredited Coach
Accredited DISC
Wellbeing Coaching Specialism
Global Trauma Institute
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